Thursday, August 18, 2011

How far back do CRB checks go in the UK?

All convictions including spent ones under the rehabilitation of offenders act show up on a CRB check and are there for life.

My car does not redline as quickly as it did before?

If you find that the RPM's hang longer during shifting ( and this could very well also be the cause of the slower engine revs' ), it is often due to a build-up of deposits in the throttle body. Take a look at the underside of the throttle plate. It is probably caked in deposits which build up over time ( from the EGR valve ). If this is the case, get some Seafoam or combustion chamber conditioner and clean it out. If you do this service, it does make a mess of the oil and spark plugs so you'll want to change those after cleaning the TB. A lot of the time, it will also trigger the CEL ( Check Engine Light ) due to a misfire code. You'll have to erase that as well.

I am teaching myseld Portuguese, but I need SKYPE to speak w. my pen pals should I just buy a cheap webcam?

there are also some interactive cds and for those you need a mic. and it evaluates your pronunciation of certain words. i do not think you need to necessarily have a webcam for that just a microphone in my opinion would would be fine.

A home purchased when contingencies not met?

Recently purchased a home in California w/contingency that CH&A be repaired. Seller credited me with estimated cost of repair but actual repair will cost more. Do I have any recourse?

Can a Japanese apply for AMEX card?

My friend is an international student and she has a Visa card if that is any help. She got it here last year. I think you can get a social security number when you get here.

Are trades of shares in partnerships reported the same as trades in common stock?

Yes these sales go on Schedule D. Your basis gets adjusted by all K-1 items since purchase. Look closer at the pages with your K-1. It will say what to do.

Would you buy this Media Center PC?

Your better off using 4gb of ram, since the upgrade would be extremely inexpensive, along with changing to Windows 7 64-bit.