Saturday, August 13, 2011

For my 1st chapter(which is not done!), is this good so far?

Finally! The last day of High School! At the end of school today we have to give our speeches. But the best part is this weekend when we actually get our diplomas! I walked down the halls of Greenland High School taking in all of the wonderful memories that are going to be left here. Like the time when my best friend Lauren and I accidentally let the frogs loose in Mr. Harrison's lab. Good times. Except for when we were the ones who had to chase them down the halls and make fools of ourselves all at the same time. I sighed and leaned against one of the lockers. It was fifth hour, which was my lunch, and I wasn't ready to face my friends just yet. They were the emotional type of people. And a little too much. I closed my eyes and just dreamed about what my life was going to be like now. I am practically an adult! I just can't believe this. When do I plan on getting a house? I don't want to be living with my parents for the rest of my life! I have a car so that's a good thing. But what about getting a job? I don't even have one! Okay Amy! Take a breather and calm down. This is all going to turn out fine. Don't live in the future. Enjoy what you have now, I thought. “There you are!” I turned around to see my boyfriend, Mike, standing there grinning at me. I returned his smile. I might have been smiling on the outside, but in the inside? Well, that is a way different story my friend! I took the hand that he was generously handing out to me. We walked in silence for a few moments. “So, this is it. No more making out in the hallways or getting yelled at for sneaking into your cl”, Mike said. Amy smiled her mysterious smile and said, “Well you know, we could make one last memory....” Mike grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist. He lifted her chin up and gently kissed her on the lips. Just as that moment we were about to pull away I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Mrs. Jones standing there with her arms folded across her chest. But there was something different about her from all the other times she caught us. She was actually smiling. Why would she be smiling? Every other time was a week in detention or a scorn yelling. “Hello Amy. Nice to see you Mike.” We both nodded in agreement. Was this some kind of joke? “So I see you two hadn't learned about making physical contact in the school hallways is still strictly forbidden?” Mike went over to her and put his arm around her shoulders. “Mrs. J! C'mon! It's the last day of school. We were just making one last memory. You can understand that, right?”, Mike said encouragingly. “Very well then”, she said as she shrugged his hand of her shoulder. She straightened her white blouse and said in her proudest voice, “I am convinced that you two will do very well in the years to come. You two will become very successful if you put your minds to it. And since today is the last day of your High School career, you will not be punished for the foolish behavior I had just witnessed. Dismissed.” She waved us to go so we headed toward the auditorium. We looked back and she was standing there grinning. Today had been the first time I have ever seen her smile. Maybe she's just glad she's getting rid of us. Mike and I laughed the whole way to the auditorium. We were supposed to give our final graduation ceremony speech. I, as usual, was prepared. But Mike on the other hand, was not. Before we entered the doors, I grabbed Mike's arm and said, “Don't you think you should have at least put some thought into this? I mean, this is our last speech to the school, to tell the other kids what to look forward to and what to watch out for! We are supposed to share with them our memories and how we are going to miss it here.” Mike snorted at this last part. “That's easy for you to say. All of your teachers liked you! And me? Well, I'm the complete opposite of liked”, Mike added. “Well maybe if you weren't such an *** all the time, your teachers would have written nicer comments in your yearbook than 'I hope you take it easy'.” Mike laughed and pulled her close to him. He whispered in here ear, “I have a ton of memories I could share.” Amy pulled away and said, “They better be school appropriate! We don't need Mrs. Jones changing her mind about giving us detention!” Mike laughed as we pulled open the auditorium doors. The first thing I heard was the sound of laughter. And of course the teachers yelling, “Just because it's the last day of your senior year, doesn't make it right for you to think you can do whatever the hell you want!” Oh wow. “Amy!”, I heard a bunch of girls yell. I tried to follow the sound of my name and finally spotted them. My friends. The ones who are probably going to come over here and tell me how they are going to miss me, cry, and tell me how they are going to miss me again. But the sad part is that we are probably going to hang out everyday. They can get very drama queen sometimes. The first one to hug me was, well, actually I'm not sure at the m

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