Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Going to Universal Studios & IslandofAdventure in a week. I need help with a spending budget & coaster advice?

Im going for 3 days how much money should i bring? range would be nice and which roller coaster is the most intence and scariest at both parks. I like Gwazi at Busch. I dont really like ones that goes upside down too much, problem is that im going there on a field trip and we r doing a "Behind the Scenes of the Hulk Roller Coaster." by a guide. IM SO SCARED! What do all the roller coasters do at both parks(state answer w/ name of coaster) and which ones would you suggest for a girl who's kinda affraid of them. Lastley is the "Return of the mummy ride" scary. I know its a roller coaster and once i was in line and i made myself sick almost barfing because i got really scared it. Never rode it. Is it scary and what does it to. For all rides i need a clear description. thanks! You have no clue how much im grateful for your answers!

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