Monday, August 15, 2011

Has anyone had a DHPPL vaccine problem? I have.?

Yesterday I took my standard poodle puppy in for her second set of shots. As we were leaving the vets office she started rubbing her face with her paws. Then she threw up, urinated and pooped and then collapsed. The vet istant screamed "we have an emergency". They grabbed her from me, rushed her to the back. Gave her an epi-shot, benedryl, a shot for inflammation, a shot for nausea. They also gave her oxygen and IV fluids. She slowly started coming around. Later that evening they let her go home with me. Last night she was still SO sick. I was up most of the night forcing her to drink glucose water (which they gave me). This morning she seems better but has to be on a bland diet for 24 to 48 hours with LOTS of fluids. Has this happened to anyone? Did your dog have any lasting effects from this? Did you let the vet give them another vaccination? I am scared to let them give her anything else. I have even heard that the rabies can cause a reaction. The vet did say that the next time he would dose her with Benedryl before giving the shot, but I have heard that even giving benedryl before is not always fail-proof.

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