Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My friend may not trust me anymore! help!!?

ok all i did was tell her and my 2 other closest friends(theyre her friends too) that i didnt think her and her boyfriend would last much longer or it shouldnt because he tells her who she can and cant talk to! i am worried about her! she was closest friend and wedensday she was mad at he and wouldnt say a word to me! she says she isnt mad at me anymore but i dont believe her because i dont have their lunch period and somehow my name came up and she said i am tired of krista talking about how we arent going to last! i know its not any of my business but at the time i was worried! im not anymore and my other friend told her i told 20 people and i didnt! im moving from here in 3 months and i cant wait! im just going to start being unsocial and im gonna stop talkimg to them and everyone else! i thought they were my true friends

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