Monday, August 15, 2011

Bulimia ?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Well first of all do I have bulimia . I binge and purge 4-5 times a day everyday. It's started if once a day and I've only been doin if a 2 months or so. After being sick I no it's sounds wring buy I get this buzz and feel really good but I know have to purge more to get the sane buzz. I am quite weight vonciouces and think I'm fat even though I'm normal weight. I can't tell my nun cus she thinks I'm an attention seeker and won't believe anything I say and this means I can't have any illness even though I think I hv minor OCD. I also feel like a fake bulimic compared to people who have done it for 20 years plus. I started because of stress and now it feels so good I don't wanna stop Pyle get help. So do I have bulimia and what should I do next ?

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