Thursday, August 18, 2011

How far back do CRB checks go in the UK?

All convictions including spent ones under the rehabilitation of offenders act show up on a CRB check and are there for life.

My car does not redline as quickly as it did before?

If you find that the RPM's hang longer during shifting ( and this could very well also be the cause of the slower engine revs' ), it is often due to a build-up of deposits in the throttle body. Take a look at the underside of the throttle plate. It is probably caked in deposits which build up over time ( from the EGR valve ). If this is the case, get some Seafoam or combustion chamber conditioner and clean it out. If you do this service, it does make a mess of the oil and spark plugs so you'll want to change those after cleaning the TB. A lot of the time, it will also trigger the CEL ( Check Engine Light ) due to a misfire code. You'll have to erase that as well.

I am teaching myseld Portuguese, but I need SKYPE to speak w. my pen pals should I just buy a cheap webcam?

there are also some interactive cds and for those you need a mic. and it evaluates your pronunciation of certain words. i do not think you need to necessarily have a webcam for that just a microphone in my opinion would would be fine.

A home purchased when contingencies not met?

Recently purchased a home in California w/contingency that CH&A be repaired. Seller credited me with estimated cost of repair but actual repair will cost more. Do I have any recourse?

Can a Japanese apply for AMEX card?

My friend is an international student and she has a Visa card if that is any help. She got it here last year. I think you can get a social security number when you get here.

Are trades of shares in partnerships reported the same as trades in common stock?

Yes these sales go on Schedule D. Your basis gets adjusted by all K-1 items since purchase. Look closer at the pages with your K-1. It will say what to do.

Would you buy this Media Center PC?

Your better off using 4gb of ram, since the upgrade would be extremely inexpensive, along with changing to Windows 7 64-bit.

Have you ever made meatloaf with Teriyaki sauce in it?

How did it turn out? I'm thinkingo f making traditional meatloaf but adding some teriyaki sauce in it.

Wladimir Klitschko vs David Haye who's your money on?

Klitschko hasn't lost since 2005 and he demolished the last fast heavyweight he fought, Eddie Chambers, to the point where Eddie is just now getting back in the gym and Haye's Chin isn't as good as Chambers'. Most likely Klitschko in ten but I have a feeling it'll end in three or four.

Should I sell my amp?

Next year I want to buy a Randall Warhead or a Mesa Boogie Rec. I was wondering if I should sell my Peavey Vypyr 30W to get money for some of it or if I should I keep it and get a Sanpera 2 and eventually buy one and have both a stack and my Vypyr.

Am I being to pessimistic? Loud Music Playing Neighbor?

Im having exams and particularly where my desk can only be positioned, a neighbor is playing his music. Its not unbearably loud, but I can hear the b and the beating. Its never to the point where I can hear the tune but they play music that constantly has a beat. Sometimes I can take it cause its subtle but when Im not listening to music, I can hear the beat in the silence. So annoying! And the thing is that I'm living in townhouses and I have no clue where or who this neighbor is. I've banged on the wall so many times and sometimes they get it. But recently they don't care and just continue with it. Even now at 1:15 in the morning! I really dont get it since there are other neighbors so am I just being pessimistic?

Please i need advice on the girl im dating?

she was in a 10yr relationship which the guy never express any affectionate towards her, so she told me she doesnt know how that feels, so when someone shows affections she feels weird n when she wants to express it she s scare to do it cuz of fear of rejection. we have been dating for 2 months but i noticed we re not moving forward in our situation, i understand i have to go slow with this n i have until last weekend we went out we had a good time but i noticed her pulling away from everytime i wanted to hug her and kiss her which raise warning signs for me cuz just the night before she was kissin n huggin me. so i took a day to myself where she call me several time and didnt respond then i told her i dont like to play games and i like to be upfront with people, like u i have been hurt before and i m seeing the warning signs, im going to take a step and see how things play out rather then continuing to put my self out there" her response was u know this wont turn out good if we let th

What is a good advertising site when looking for a good litigation attorney but you can't afford them?

There is a homeless guy in my community. He is not a bum at all; he works as a custodian in a gas station but still can't afford a lawyer. He was a whistle blower, and his signature was forged on a piece of paper. He has evidence. Please help me to help him. I already have a listing on Thanks!

Should the Miami Heat go after these players this offseason?

the miami heat obviously have no bench, looking into the free agency or trading for a bench would be smart but with lebron, wade, bosh, and now mike bibby they have no money to pay for a decent bench. everyone already took a pay cut.

Hand wringing, breath holding?

Just a variation in your personality. There are a whole range of personality types and quirks that people have. As long as it's something benign, I wouldn't worry about it.

Questions about arena size and sand......?

My arena is 150x70 and its the Perfect size for me and my Draft Horses to canter my sand is 6 1/2 inches deep so they don't get hurt! i hope this helps!

Is my fantasy team good? !*^10POINTS^*!?

Yes it is but take out either gil meche or brad ziegler and put in Armando Galarraga for his next start because he was very good and raised his confidence after his game against the Rangers last night. Not only did he hold them, but they are a really good hitting team and he held them very well.

I was just hired as a cashier for Winn-Dixie, but I put the wrong amount of hours on my application.?

Should I tell the hiring manager what happened as soon as possible, or should I try to work all those hours for a while until I think I can ask to have them reduced? The problem is that I'm also taking fifteen credit hours in college. I want to work between 15 and 20 hours, but I stupidly put down between 21 and 30 hours.

Rate my Yu gi oh Deck?

It's a fine deck but add some stronger Magics and traps but don't use banned cards, or I'd be trollin. Your should make your deck have a monster and a magic trap focus. Also It shouldn't be easy to be drawn out, I've played for a long time and it's only happed once, and it was back when I had 200 cards in my deck ;) if your worried make a side deck with like 3 dice jars, if you've got them.

Ummmm, Little cat help please?

Ok, my cat, really sweet, is a really playful cat. My problem is he doesn't seem to like the store bought toys I bought him, he'd rather play with shoelaces. I don't want him to choke on one, so any store toys like that?

What do you think of the names...?

I like both the names, but I would let the child be individual. I wouldn't personally do the same initials as myself or my husband for my child.

Who can tell me some really cool and unique metal/hardrock vocalists?

yeah serj does have a really unique awesome voice! hmm.... clayton stroope from thriving ivory has a really extremely unique voice but theyre not metal.

At 18 weeks I took a test for AFP and the result came back Positive?

my doctor send me for a level 2 ultra sound, and they said everything looks normal especially considering my age and what not, He also stated that the amnio was not recommened...Should I be worried?

Need help picking out a freestyle binding for my board?

I've been trying to figure out what Bindings I should get for my snowboard. I'm a freestyle rider and I'm looking for somehing light. Currently Im looking at Burton cartel, Burton triad, Rome 390 and Rome targa. Are there other options that are better for doing freestyle? Please give me some advice, I'm really having trouble picking one out.

Were you glad Mike Boogie won Big Brother 7?

This question is only for people that watch Big Brother. I was hoping Erika would win, but I turned on her, when she was allowing Mike Boogie to make choices for her,she looked so stupid when they showed the clipping of Mike Boogie talking down on her, in the diary room.

Why can't a law be ped in all of the states requiring a paternity test at birth to avoid paternity fraud?

Currently in most states if you're married then you're automatically considered the father of a child born to your spouse. If you're unaware of possible infidelity, you're not thinking of getting a paternity test. You're likely not to bring the issue up because you're being misled. If you find out later, that you're not the biological father, you're still liable for child support because you didn't question paternity within a specified time limit. The worst part is that Census numbers indicate that women lie in these cases 30% of the time. So, strikingly, there are a lot of men supporting children who aren't their own. The other troubling part is that you can't make this behavior a crime. It should be a felony to do this. If a man doesn't pay child support,in most statutes he's convicted of felony. However, if a woman commits paternity fraud, there is no legal recourse civilly nor criminally for the man. This is a serious inequality of the law; no equal protection.

I have been diagnosed with Neuro Endocrine Cancer. What next?

I am 40 yrs old, and the cancer is in my skull, spine, pelvic bones,shoulder blades, and arm and leg bones. My liver and kidneys are affected and there is a tumor growing from my liver up into the right ventricle of my heart.

God is an invention of man...?

It's good to see a common sense question for a change. What you are portraying in your question is correct. When the candle sticks and trumpets etc came into being then they were entered into the bible which shows that your absolutely correct. To me God is man made and when technology began with the Greeks it was then that the bible closed with it's revelations and remained as it is today.

Help with my photography :]]]]?

Ok, i have a name for my photography im nearly 14 and i have a great portfolio i know i cant now but when can you start an apprenticeship in photography and do you have to be at a specific part in your career BEFORE you can become a freelancer i want to travel all over i've seen so many places that are gorgeous im going to canada with my dad soon and what specific parts that would be great for photography (eg sights, historic buildings, and streets) im also going to go to malta :]].

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Are there any qi gong exercises in aikido?

i do aikido.... er..... kinda.... theres a history 2 it... ne ways wat i do does have ki (qi or chi) breathing n exersises n stuff.. but not qigong... qigong is chinese and aikido is japanese

Looking for small, simple, vintage shoulder bag?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think rompers are cute for summer?

I thought that the safari romper was really cute and I would definitely wear one in the summer! But yes, I think that the strappy sandals would be really cute and maybe a light weight scarf? (not sure if you would like it or not and maybe not with the safari romper but a different one) Anyway I think you could wear anything with it pretty much! :) Good luck hope you find something cute to go with it this summer :)

What archaeological discovery could destroy Christianity?

My roommate and I think it would a confession written by Jesus and his pals talking about the hoax and yukking it up over some herb.

Curly hair?!!?!?!?!?

I have thick brown curls as well and I advise not getting layers because it will poof up, unless you want it to be around shoulder length. To give my hair definition I just angle it. My hair use to be really frizzy but now when I shower I will wash my hair first and when I put in the conditioner I clip it up and don't rinse it out until the end of the shower. It allows the hair to soak up the moister and makes it softer/shinier.

All medical coders/billers working at hospitals.. Help?

Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.

Do you urinate in the shower? Is it considered gross/unsafe unsanitary? Thoughts?

Is it a common thing? What are your thoughts? I did hear a long time ago that it prevents foot fungus when you do it in the shower...

Is this a good trade?

I have the option to trade my Epi Les Paul Custom for a used Schecter C-1 Clic. Would this be a good trade? I play anything from clic rock, alt, to hard rock ( some metal)

I would like to know why? ?

At first I was completely alienated from having any male guy friends. Since last year a couple of guys would talk to me. At first I thought it was some sort of game you know play on the "gay" guy. But usually I see more straight guys talking to me. I'm really confused because I thought it was "heresy" to talk to the "gay guy" heck even the football quarterback talks to me isn't that just a bit bizarre!? What I want to know is why. Btw I'm not like overly gay I don't know if that plays a role in my question...

With respect to DADT is the military marching in lock step to a radical agenda?

I believe these fears are similar to those expressed before they integrated the military, and allowed women to serve. That didn't work out at all did it?

Poll: Where hast thou BEEN?

We searched far and wide of the kingdom for thee, and Sir Dumpty fell off a great wall looking for thee. All the king's horses and men couldst NOT put him together once more, and thou showest up at early hours of the morn. The moon waxed late unto you, and a night of my sleep wast lost. So, before thou goest to thy bedchambers, pray, tell where thou hast been.

The Sims 3: Tw? You can use this mod to allow relatives to have relationships. Just go under "Romance" and make sure "Allow Near Relation Romance" is set to true. If you don't want other related sims other than your twins to be romantic, make sure "Allow Autonomous Near Relation Romance" is set to false (which is it's default) that way no related sims will have a relationship unless you tell them to. Other feature included in the Mod are on the page.

What to do about cracks in walls of a townhouse built on a hill?

You should be scared....the inspectors are worthless and more than likely disclaim any responsibility for oversights...oops. You need a engineer and a lawyer....good luck.

MTG: Sacrificing a creature, does this work?

Sacrificing is a part of the payment for the activated ability. Think of it like this; if you replaced "Sacrifice a creature" with pay 2 black mana on both cards you couldn't pay 2 black mana and be able to use both activated abilities. You would have to pay 2 black mana for one and 2 black mana for the other. In your case you would have to sacrifice 2 creatures to get both effects. Hope the ogy worked =)

Where in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic can I find the "non professional" single girls?

I've heard that many Domincan girls are liberated and easily approachable..looking for women who looking to have fun while earning a little money on the I'm looking for the non-pro or semi pro, as opposed to the hard core professional.

How To lose fat and gain muscles.?

Running! Running with the right healthy diet will get you lean and build a lot of muscle. Swimming will have the same affect.

Will the dowry system in india come to an end any day?

In India, the practice is still very common, in arranged marriages and in rural areas as it is widely recognized as a Traditional Ritual of Marriage. Demanding dowry is prohibited by law as of 1961 but these laws are highly misused, including mothers and sisters being arrested without investigation. In spite of refusing to be part of dowry systems many grooms have been brought to grief. The practice of the bride giving a dowry to the groom is said to have originated in the system of recognition that not only the husband was responsible for providing for his wife, but her father shared this responsibility. It is not clear when the practice began in India. In the recent times, as women have better economic opportunities, this tradition no longer holds valid. While the burden is removed from a woman's father and brothers, it still remains with the husband. In India the practice of giving women a dowry on breakage of marriage by husband still holds and is isted by the judiciary and the police through threat of imprisonment. Many times the transaction never ends; the women can come back to the courts for more dowry if she feels like it.

What does the last part of this quote by Sigmund Freud mean?

Freud is saying that the unconditional love and support of a mother for her son more often than not gives that son the confidence and positive attitude he needs to succeed in the world. Nurturing breeds success.

What are the important steps to writing a screenplay/script?

I'm a seventeen year old trying to make my way into the screenwriting world. I'm developing some ideas that are awesome movie ideas to me. However, i'm just strarting to really learn the process of writing a script and im certain there's a method to writing a screenplay. What is important, what should i do first, what order should i go in, how do i plan this whole thing out?! Anyone in the screenwriting world or a professional screenwriter PLEASE HELP!!!! I need advise.

Is it illegal in New York to pretend baking powder in a bag is cocaine?

Like if you tell someone that it is cocaine and as a joke give it to them. Please don't just guess. Give me the New York penal law article number. I tried to find something that it would fall under but couldn't. I don't think its a crime.

Wifi for floor house?

I have a 3 story house as well, and found that i didn't need any new equipment. I have a Linksys wireless router that i have my modem plugged into. I put it in my room on the second floor, and it reaches everywhere in the house fine with no loss of signal. The only problem you may have, is if you have a computer in the basement. I haven't tested this, but i suspect you wouldn't get reception, so you may need extra equipment for your basement. Good luck to you. Having a wireless network can save you a lot of hle. CAT5 cables can be annoying to set up.

What color should I paint my room to make it look beach-like?

I bought a bedspread that has yellow,sea foam green,light blue and dark blue on it. An storage Automne that's small and pink. A pillow that is the same as my bedspread. A blue "Go Fish" with a fish sign. And three pink pitchers frames. Also sand on my window sill and seashells on my mirror. A white desk,bookshelf & dresser. What color should my room be? I'm going through a beach fase...thanks!

Who would win in this fight?

In the comics. Can't Human Torch create all the things that Pyro can create. It's just that he doesn't need to because he just fight and doesn't waste time with that. But could he if he really wanted to. I think he can.

Why do people who can't sing or act get bigger parts than others in shows?

Roles are cast on three things, 1. do you look right for the part This is most important 2. Does the director have experience with you and knows he/she can count on your? 3. do you have the talents for the part? That's the way it happens, learn to live with it.

Is This Considered Medical Malpractice?

Back in 2002 my husband got hit in the eye and had to go to the emergency room to get sewn up. What the doctor did not do is refer him to a eye specialist to make sure the eye was ok. That same year my husband went to the doctor because he was seeing flashes, but the doctor just blew him off and said it was old age. 4 years later my husband started seeing distorted images he then went back to the doctor and she then refered him to a retina specialist becasue he had a detached retina. That doctor said everyhting was going to be ok but in reality it has been a nightmare. After that first surgury he had received another detached retina in a diferent place because of the surgury. He then was diagnosed with glaucoma and cataracts. The pressure from Glaucoma caused a petrution in the white part of the eye which consistently irritates him. He is always in pain and can not work and a lot of life activitys has come to a stop. All the while the doctors seem to not know what to do. Excuses Excuse

4 white dudes making fan of my denver broncos jersey in the pizza shop today?

4 white guys were saying Denver sucks , when i walked in and picked up my pizza and saying other things, they kept saying crap when i was watching the game on the TV they have there, I had 3 friends in the car and they decide to come into the pizza parlor ( 3 blackguys ) they said eddie what the *** is taking so long dude, i say these guys ever there are talking **** about the Broncos and when they looked at them like WTF, the white guys should they were just messing around?

Do I have an abnormal weight?

And if you wanna make fun of my weight, STOP! It was funny at first but now its just too f*cking tiresome!

What are the best air-cooled cases?

i want to know in terms of how well it cools so like the Antec Twelve Hundred is goo in that matter , originality like the silverstone RV-01 which also looks great and price... Lian-Li is expensive and big but not my type

Was Tim Cahill's red card fair?

A tackle like that from behind will always bring a card. The speed at which he contacted the player determined the colour. Yes is my answer!

How do i get a girlfriend?

i am 32 , but i am always single. everyone makes fun of me because i have never had a girlfriend before. or even a date. i dont know what its like to have a first kiss either. i dk why. but no women ask me out. everyone is taken already. i usually just eat some cookies and stare out the window at night time.....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No limit, no license, legal, small game in canada?

Hey, i have a question, is there any small game that is allowed to be taken without license and that has no bag limit and is legal in canada to hunt? something that would be a pest and your allowed to kill with a air gun or slingshot as much as u want?

Aah!! Why am I breaking out now!!?

wash your face with the oil free cleanser from neutrogena, use the spot treatment from clean and clear, then use moisturiser.

Do you find this pressing for spiritual oneness and unity could be used or perpetrated by the government?

yes that is the spiritual progressives, to build their fascist tower of babel, they do not like the separatist or the atheist either

Recommend some books?

I had the same problem, I found these books ttyl,ttfn, and L8R G8R by Lauren Myracle. I love this series, hope it's something you might like. The book is all in Instant Messaging form, it's a great new way to read!

Old Roommate makin a move on the girl I like, WHAT DO I DO?

Ok so I met this girl this summer while working at camp & she is the most amazing women I have ever met. Ever since the second month of working at camp i realised that I like her. & then my roommate from school came to work at camp & he started making moves on her, & you know it didnt bug me at first but me & the girl have almost known eachother for a year & talk all the time & I really really like her, but my old roommate is still making moves on her on like myspace & in person & it is really bugging me now. I dont want to say anything to him because well he is one of my best buddies but at the same time I am thinking that he needs to back the **** off. How do I get my old roomie to back off without being terratorial & what do I do if he doesnt?

Question About the Girl I Like?

i'm a h.s. junior & i like a freshman. when i see her in the hallway i smile & say hi. i saw her in the caf 2day. she & her friend were looking @ me. after i finished lunch, i went 2 the school library. 5 mins. after i got there my crush & her friend came in. they sat at a table kind of far away from my friend & i. the kept looking at me periodically, especially my crush's friend. what does all this mean? does my crush notice me or like me back? is her friend looking @ me b/c my crush told her about me? do u think they went 2 the library just 2 look @ me?

What you consider to be weird vs normal?

both can be construed to whatever suits you. Example it might be completely normal for a woman to wear a bra, however not so for a really fat man looking for support

Want to play Xbox but can't turn TV onto AV?

my remote isn't working, is there anyway to get AV on a tv without the remote? I trying going through the channels manually and the AVs aren't listed.

Which Bookstore in Atlanta has The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien Read by Rob Inglis ISBN 0788789821 in stock?

You can call the bookstore and ask if they have the audiobook. You can also go to the bookstore and ask a clerk if they have the audiobook in stock.

Application Question for UCF?

So i just finished applying to order to check my status i have to log in into "myucf"but i need a PID and NID..In order to log in...however its asking me for my social security number in order to retrieve my personal PID and ID but i dont have a social security number therefore it wont let me log in to check my application you guys have any idea on how to log in if you dnt have a social security number? Thanks for your help

Should the US ban marriages between Christians and non-christians?

In Corinthians it says that marriages between Christians and non-christians are unevenly yoked. Since it is contrary to nature and gods word, should all marriages between Chrisitians and non-christians (including apostates like catholics) be legally outlawed in the US.

What's the best dry dog food out there?

Hey, just wanted to know if you have any good recommendations for dry dog foods. I have a toy Pom who needs a healthy diet that will improve her coat(one with oils such as flaxseed, omega 3, etc) . A diet with low/without corn or soybean would be suitable as well. Thank you!

The only good year for the Attitude Era was 2000?

Yes, less be honest the Attitude Era really had nothing to do with wrestling yes it had some good wrestling matches but not all of the time, we all know the Attitude Era for having ual Content,Cursing,Blood, stunts, and all that other stuff, no I am not a WWE basher but think about it when you think about the Attitude Era do you really think about wrestling first.

What would you have done in my situation?

I was at Texas MotorSpeedway during the Nationwide Race in the spring and I had a Hotp to be in the garage and I was down there during the Cup Practice, During practice one and two I went to go to the bathroom in the garage and when i was at the urinal a few of the drivers came and i pulled up to the urnials next to me, drivers like Kasey Kahne, Kevin Harvick, Jeff Burton, Etc, My question was would you reaction have been

IPhone/iPod SDK?

I was wondering if anyone knows if CUSTOMIZE and SPRINGBOARD/SUMMERBOARD will be on the iPod/iPhone, and will they be monitered with restriction or same as it is now? also, what other apps will be out with the sdk and when does the sdk come out?

I have a court date for loitering and prowling. what could i get?

more than likely you will end up with a fine and community service but if it happens again you could be facing 6months to a year in jail

How to repair ignition wire it keeps burning under the steering wheel (Ford tipper 2.5 1993)?

it,s a short in the ignition wiring,needs to be checked out by a good mechanic .be aware short circuits are very hard to find sometimes,better to take it to a dealer who sells the car,may cost more but supposedly the mechanic,s are better trained.don,t mess with it or you may end up toast!going down the road.


Who do you trust more, the awesome loyal guy, or the playboy who wants to break you up with him? You could ask him what was going on. If PQR lied to try to break you up, I think he deserved to get his nose broken, though I would not do something like that myself. Explain to XYZ that it wasn't that you don't trust him, you were just worried, and didn't know what to think, and you wanted his urance that it wasn't true.

Where do I take cles for the GED test and how much money will it cost?

I live in Fraser, Michigan. I have been putting the ged test off for almost 4 years now. I am really trying to get back into school but no colleges will except me wihout a GED so its time to get it done. Any insight would be helpful

Help i locked my keys inside my car!!!!?

I locked my keys inside my 1996 buick regal, actually it`s a rental, so please no break the window ideas, the keys are in the ignition, i`ve tried the coat hanger idea and using pins, screwdriver and a knife in the key hole, i don`t have money to call a tow company or a locksmith, so if anyone has any ideas what i can do that would be great, i`m getting desperate.

Any one know Ashley Nicole Mcfarlane birth name, april 26 1985?


RAMADAN: Will enemies of Rasoolallah (saww) go to Jannah?

YeS of course.And this Amazing Wahhabi would be one of the first ones(After their Lord,Satan and their prophet,Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab)

What brand of flatscreen TV is the best to buy? what do all the abriviations mean, like LED, HPV, etc?

LED is light emitting diode, and LCD is liquid crystal display. The type either got with LCD or LED but the brand you should go with LG.

What to get my Boyfriend (: ?

ohk; erm well me and my boyfriend had been dating for 5months (: and i'm very into him. I'm still pretty young;14 years old. but its ohk (: right? And his b-day is coming up same with his twin brother; but i already know what to get his twin since were super close but i'm not sure what to get him still, i dont want to be a mushy gushy but something to tell him how i feel and how much he means to me (: if you can give any gifts ideas that'll be great.

Does he really like me?!?!?! easy 10 pts? a freshman (girl) and i really like this sophmore guy. he was my "istant coach" for soccer along with 2 other guys. he was always helpin me and showing me what to do. he stopped coming half way through the season because of baseball practice. i still see him in the halls at school and during lunch. i just broke my ankle last week and every day i have been on crutches he has offered to carry me. he also said that the girl who pushed me should have gotten a yellow card but since she hurt ME they should have gotten a red cart (kicked out of the game). one of his friends came up to me today and started talkin and mentioned that this guy had been talkin bout me. i cant tell if this guy i have been crushin on likes me or if he was just offering to carry me because he was my coach. plz help because im really confused and he would be my first real boyfriend. thanks sooo much

ACK! Is it just a bad box of HPTs? What does it all mean!?

I don't want to get your hopes up and I don't know what brand you're using, but in general..any line on the positive line is a positive test.

Read my Common App essay?

Being culturally aware is a very valuable attribute. You will be amazed when you see how diverse a college campus is. Tolerance is missing in this world, but when you are in the university environment, it's like this utopia of acceptance. I like when you mention that your skill of speaking two languages and have acquaintances all over the world “is useful in any profession”. Talk more about how you are going to contribute to the bigger picture…even after you leave with a degree. Mentioning goals and paths to success will strengthen your essay. Colleges want to see their alumni become leaders and advocates of their communities and put forth the knowledge they’ve gained to enrich the fabric of society. You are so on that track! Best of luck to you!

Whats a simple recipe for guacamole that uses sour cream?

The simple as it gets recipe is closest to what I use. For something different.. WHIP your guacamole.. it'll make it very light and tasty.

Help with Urdu translation please?

باب [بني] [ثي] [منزيل], إلى [رست] [مين] مرحبا [شم] [هوي], [أب] [كهن] [جوون] خطّ رئيسيّ, [كيسكو] [سمجهوون] خطّ رئيسيّ, [كا] ماين [شها] [ثا] [أور] [كوون] [كيسمت] [مين] [أي], [تنهي], [تنهي], [جيس] [أندهرو] [كي] [هو] [جهري] ..... [تووت] [كهوب] [سر], [إك] [موس] [هي] [شهي], [هر] [كهوشي] هكذا [غي], [زيندج] [كهو] [غي]

Does Juan Williams realize that the 9/11 hijackers were not dressed in "Muslim garb"?

In the airport security camera footage, those sneaky Muslims were wearing shirts and pants just like Real Americans might wear. Now Juan has something else to get nervous about!

Just wondering: why do people here tend to call Communism "evil" and "unfair", if its basic ideology is..?

..complete friendship, love and care without any coercion among society members, without this " homini lupus est", which actually is the basic of almost any other form of government? I agree that the recent realizations of Communism are/were quite ugly, but it's the fault of people who were establishing and running it, not of the idea itself. So why do people demonize the beautiful and wonderful idea they know nothing about, and actually have never seen truly realized?

Who is Sri-Krishna?.?

Vishnu or Brahma someone else completely different? Why was he back here 3000 years ago again? Why was it just before Judaism started?

My dad spends so much money on himself but won't buy anything for me?

honestly he is being greedy..where is your mom? talk to her and if doesn't work ..time to do it the hard way..Job .its hard for ppl to give away there money

Is my acne just incurable?

I noticed i started having horrible skin issues during senior year, my face is so clear now. Naturally you should eat veggies, fruits, and ALOT OF water! Water gives your skin moisture and makes your skin glow, but the main product that worked for me was Tea tree oil, when you first use it, your face will burn a little, but over night the bumps will flatten. I also had the same results from Vitamin E that you described, its good for a cut or to repair skin, but cocoa er helps to fix the skins complexion. So if you use Tea tree oil and cocoa er (natural or organic, nothing cheap). You will see a huge effect, just gotta be patient though :D

Am i a talented writer?

It isn't bad at all. You are on a good path; keep on and try to develop that short story. I suppose that the life of a 70 years old man could be much richer in events, thoughts and feelings. And mind, talent isn't everything if it isn't doubled by hard work, if you want to write good stories or novels.

Is this rude and manner less of my cousin 2 do so?

no not all american kids are like that some are and some are not like that i think he was going throw some changes tho but that is no excuses the way he treated you disrespectful you and you should stand your Ground with him and let him know that he can not treat you that way are disrespect you in anyway be strong don't just sit there and don't say anything let him know that your not going to take his rudeness anymore put your foot down and stand up for your self.

Havent the NBA refs have done a terrible job of officiating?

Im not saying the nba are fixing games or anything but the refs have been terrible throughout the playoffs, the cav-magic series is an example game 3 was terribly officiated calls were not being called consistently touch fouls were called some possessions while others were not depending on the player ex: Lebron or Dwight fouls were not called because they were allstars. (I know Dwight fouled out but he had a lot more fouls then 6 and Lebron had more fouls than were called). I think the older refs do a bad job of officiating. Other series have also had bad officiating. What do you think?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why would my "friend" ask this question(repost)?

Ok,my friend asked me this question and it was "Where are we gonna live when we're eighteen,in the country or in town?" And i said i'm not moving in with you,i'm going to college.She just gave me this look "like Why don't you go to Vantage with me" And i wanted to say that i want to get out of this area for awhile,but i didn't want to hurt her feelings. And since then she hasn't spoke to me.

How does restaurant pagers work?

it works like a cell phone/normal pager, there's a master transmitter that sends out a signal to the pager when the table is ready. To page a customer, the hostess enters the numeric code for that pager into the master transmitter. (the id number would be simple like anywhere from 1-40) kind of like dialing a phone number with only 2 digits

How to get affordable pregnancy care in california if you are a legal-noncitizen but not a permanent resident?

Try medi-cal, you should qualify for that. It's for low income women when they are pregnant, and your child will qualify too once he/she is born. Ask your OB about it and they can help you. All your care is free through that, no co-pays.

How long can you continue with this charade until you finally one day just get up and change your life?

I did get up & change my my early 20's gave up a great job to go live in Greece with few pals & was great & also went to live in London for many years & was quiet life now as my son is my priority..... :)

I am a final year M.B.B.S student of the Univ of Lagos and I like to do my house job in Malta?

I like to know of the opportunities, requirements/procedures of working as an intern in Malta and Gozo. Any information concerning his subject will be very much appreciated.

Installed Catalyst Control Center but cant find it on computer?

I have uninstalled Catalyst Control Center and my graphics drivers trying to get CCC to show back up on my computer but once i reinstall it withe the latest version at and reboot it still isnt there. I try and search for it via windows Vista search but it still isnt there. Any idea?

How many scots out there have recently moved to the politics section to defend our country from US criticism?

Isn't Libya the bully state. Didn't you crumble to the terrorists pressure? Get over yourself idiot.

Why did the media ignore the question of obama's birthplace?

His grandmother witnessed his birth at the Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya. Unfortunately, that disqualifies him for POTUS.

Urgent: Need Help With Dog Please?

I adopted my dog last year and she was pretty mangled when I got her home. She had a broken leg from being beaten so badly amongst other issues from her previous owner (T.M.I: Not Part of the Problem). To top it all of she was underfed. I put her on a regimen with her dog food where I gave her 1/2-3/4 of a cup two times a day and I was walking her often. She was at about 20lbs which was a healthy weight but now she is 30lbs and I am starting to worry because I can tell she is getting pudgy. She is an 20 month old Tibetan Spaniel mix. I want to know what I should do to get her down to a healty weight again. Any ideas? Thank you ahead of time.

Is it wrong to out the pastor's daughter on her lack of virginity?

don't worry,your sleeping with the son not the mom.and the ex is still the ex no matter how much the mom loves her ,your boyfriend loves you.(YOU WIN)

Where to buy an axolotl?

Where could I buy a young axolotl in Scotland preferably the Glasgow area? And what would the typical price be? Thanx

Why are some background images blurred out in the Daredevil movie being shown on CBS?

In southern Arizona on CBS I just saw the movie Daredevil was on with Ben Affleck, and in the background of a restaurant were some products on shelves that were blurred out. I'm sure they weren't blurred out in the original movie, so why would CBS do it? They weren't in a store or anything, so I don't think the items were obscene or anything. Could they be products that are in competition with products sold by their sponsors or something? I hope that's not the reason, it seems kind of a cheap and petty reason to censor a movie. Although I can't really think of a good reason to do it.

I've been keeping my glans exposed?

Right so all morning I've had my foreskin bunched up behind the head of my . I kind of like the way it feels, but here's the thing: the head of my has changed alot in just a few hours. It's dry and pale. It doesn't feel bad, just different. Would it be ok to keep my foreskin behind the head always?

Can somebody rate my poem?

i always love a good poem that starts with a question and uses repetitiveness to create a certain air to the poem and light poems always get me. the fourth stanza sounds a little choppy though and so does the last stanza good work though

How to wire my rear speakers in my 2002 olds Alero?

I have a 2002 Oldsmobile Alero with the monsoon audio system. I bought new 6 x 9 speakers to replace the old ones. The speakers I have are 2-way speakers, connected to a monsoon amp with 2 wires feeding the tweeter and 2 wires feeding the woofer. My new speakers (sc95 from Boston Acoustics) are 3-way speakers with only 2 connections. I found a answer to fit this question , but I want to make sure this does not create a dead short and fry my audio. Will wiring the neg of the sub wire to the pos of the tweeter wire cause a short or screw up the amp? Should I just wire cap the neg sub and pos tweeter wire instead?

Has anyone had a DHPPL vaccine problem? I have.?

Yesterday I took my standard poodle puppy in for her second set of shots. As we were leaving the vets office she started rubbing her face with her paws. Then she threw up, urinated and pooped and then collapsed. The vet istant screamed "we have an emergency". They grabbed her from me, rushed her to the back. Gave her an epi-shot, benedryl, a shot for inflammation, a shot for nausea. They also gave her oxygen and IV fluids. She slowly started coming around. Later that evening they let her go home with me. Last night she was still SO sick. I was up most of the night forcing her to drink glucose water (which they gave me). This morning she seems better but has to be on a bland diet for 24 to 48 hours with LOTS of fluids. Has this happened to anyone? Did your dog have any lasting effects from this? Did you let the vet give them another vaccination? I am scared to let them give her anything else. I have even heard that the rabies can cause a reaction. The vet did say that the next time he would dose her with Benedryl before giving the shot, but I have heard that even giving benedryl before is not always fail-proof.

In Sims 3, why can't my sim propose?

I have a young adult male sim on my Sims 3 computer game. I have a rich, full family. One of the boys started dating a sim I created on edit city along with her family and moved them in with a previous generation of my family. He knows all of her traits and they've been together and have a full relationship bar since teens. Well now they are young adults and halfway to being adults. I would make him be romantic until it said "Emmie thinks Chase is extremely irresistable" and wouldn't even give the option of "Propose". They had their first kiss and went steady (became a couple) in their teens. He only has four traits though, like I chose one trait when he was born or something, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it... Anyways, so I said "try for baby" hoping maybe he could propose so I can get rid of this frigging family! Nope. But now, she had a baby and I feel bad cause he can't live with the kid, just stay over at her house. So what do I do? Any ideas how to make him propose? (Oh, and his traits are brave. workaholic, neat, and athletic) Or is this a glitch? Should I just give up and see if one of the other boys (they're all boy kids) can get married? I just can't deal with four elders and a cluttered family anymore! HELP! ... Thanks! :)

Are these good ways to get back at someone?

maybe its best not to do that you will get in serious trouble. Maybe you should try talking to your councilor first to see if they can do anything about it first.

Female lawyer? Need your help men out there!?

Nah, not at all. When it comes to a relationship your career is just one small part of what will make you, you (and you've done pretty well in talking about all the other awesome parts of you as well!). Any guy in the future who'd judge you based on it would just be closed minded, and would you want to be with someone like that anyway?!?

Another poll shows widespread public support for carbon regulation - how should Democrats proceed?

Your contention that "Limit pollution, invest in domestic energy sources and encourage companies to use and develop clean energy" is synonomous with belief in AGW is incorrect. If you asked most people if they liked puppies, you would probably get an even larger majority. The fact is that if you ask people honestly if they are willing to be taxed to help pay for unproven technology, increase foreign dependence on oil, and have fewer choices an lesser freedom, the actual truth, you wouldn't even get most democrats to agree. That is why the far left depends on deception.

Who else was brought to tears during the movie Marley and Me?

I don't care if I'm a guy. I'll openly admit I was sobbing in my jacket. I have a black Lab named Taz that we've had 16 years and this was possibly her last Christmas. It's hard for her to walk and she can't hear too well and sitting there watching them put that stuff into Marley and watching him die (I know they didn't really kill him) I was thinking "I'm gonna have to do that". Marley and Me was really funny too! I also cried because it's based on a true story and the real Marley died.

Please rate/fix YuGiOh Deck 1-10. SPAMMERS AND FLAMERS REPORTED!!!?

in my opinion lightsworn and tuners do not mix with lightsworn because you will loose the tuner before u get them( thats y indpendent lightswoprn deck are much better then dark armed lightsworn) so if you want to run a good phycic deck or tuner deck just message me.

What causes someone to have no empathy?

My husband has no empathy. My BIL has weeks left to live from cancer and I went to stay with him for a few hours so sis could run errands. When I got home, husband asked nothing and wanted to know if I wanted to go out to eat or dancing! I am emotionally drained! It isn't just my family issues, everyone gets along well. His own brother caused a bad wreck (blacked out/diabetes) 2 dead. He called my husband,crying, suicidal. Before hanging up husband said to him "let me know if you need anything." The end. Never even a follow up call to see how he was doing! He told me if his bro wanted him to go visit, he would go. He is generous, will give if you ask, but never volunteers. Not once has he asked how my sister is holding up. No interest in other's issues. Are people born this way? How can someone not feel bad for someone else? Can something cause a person to not give a care or act as if they don't? Is this a psychological disorder? This just floors me!

I don't exactly know what my question is?

Any relationship can work if both parties love and respect each other. You don't have to agree on everything but you do need to have alot of common ground and to respect each other's difference of opinions. You also need to have similar goals and expectations. For example, it's fine that you do not want to have children but if your relationship is going to work your spouse has to feel the same way. No-one should enter in to a marriage thinking that they can change their partner.

I am looking for and old movie about a blond gal who is a sharpshooter shoots a judge in the umes role?

she takes on the role of a teacher who deals with unruly children and a sheriff who can`t shoot she later returns to the judge in the end only to shoot him again don`t know the name of the movie nor the lead actress but the movie is quite funny it was aired on tv on a Friday between 1990-94 i have not seen it since

What web hosting is better?

you can try your web space will be setup within 8-10 hours with 24/7 support.

Can anyone think of a good way to end this poem ?

I actually really like it. Great use of repetition. I would replace the line about the clown though because it really doesn't fit and the rhythm is off. As for the ending it, maybe say happy birthday and rhyme something with their name.

How do you conciliate being gay and religious?

I'm Episcopalian which is a decaffeinated Catholic without confession or a Pope. For the most part, we are pretty liberal. A few haters when we got our two gay head bishops but in my church, we accept everyone. We are taught to not follow the bible literally because it was made, and abused, by man. We had a lovely gay couple in our church for a while and I sometimes bring my boyfriend to church with me. A prominent member of our church has two gay daughters and all that as well. I feel that since God made me, and I never asked to be gay, God must approve. After all, I am loving someone and it is not a sin to love.

Bulimia ?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Well first of all do I have bulimia . I binge and purge 4-5 times a day everyday. It's started if once a day and I've only been doin if a 2 months or so. After being sick I no it's sounds wring buy I get this buzz and feel really good but I know have to purge more to get the sane buzz. I am quite weight vonciouces and think I'm fat even though I'm normal weight. I can't tell my nun cus she thinks I'm an attention seeker and won't believe anything I say and this means I can't have any illness even though I think I hv minor OCD. I also feel like a fake bulimic compared to people who have done it for 20 years plus. I started because of stress and now it feels so good I don't wanna stop Pyle get help. So do I have bulimia and what should I do next ?

Knee problem. HArd on knee cap???

I smacked my knee on concrete the other day it has now a what feels like a pea sized ball on my knee cap when I touch it the outter mcl part tingles and I now have numbnessin my knee. What do you think these pea sized are???

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is the ascii code for ㋡?

I like to use ㋡ but I need cut'n'paste because I dont know the ascii code itself. Can someone help me? I know ♥ is 3 and ø is 155 but what number i this smiling cute face?

My ford Taurus randomly shuts down, then wont start for 2-3 hours. Diagnostic computers can't find anything.?

My Ford Taurus randomly starts shaking, then shuts down, then wont start for 2-3 hours. It then runs normally for a while. Diagnostic computers can't find anything wrong. It happens maybe once every 1 or 2 months. Its a 1999 Taurus with a 3.0 Vulcan (spelling?) V6 engine. It has about 86,000 miles on it. I really like this car and never had a problem with it until now. Any ideas?

Do I have a chance for medical school?

I currently have a 3.7 gpa overall at UGA. In the Honors Program. Came in with a scholarship which paid me a stipend to do research for 2 years. I did shadow a neurologist and also hospital volunteer work. However, I did drop organic chemistry 1, 2 each once. (for a total of 2) I'm afraid my dreams of becoming a doctor is very much over :(

Is it acceptible to ...........?

* I dont use online dating services - stuff like that makes mi think of missmatches and fat guys who cant get a date sry *

What's your least favorite album and song by an artist you like?

Outstanding profile pic, by the way. I can't stand Metallica's "St. Anger" album, they're one of my favorite bands, but it wasn't a good album to me.

Who is Skyzoo????????

<<<< a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is The Groovy Owl a good blog name?

I want to start a blog about random things in my life, have a little fashion, and fun included. Is "The Groovy Owl" a good name?

Can meditation on death make one feel more fully alive now?

Makes me appreciate every moment of life more. Simplify life to what really matters. Material wealth that cannot be carried over to the next life. Lives that can be changed when we are here. Spiritual wealth that follows us.

I'm teen decorating my room this summer and I don't know what to do. How should I decorate my room.?

you should do a black/green zebra print for everything and get a small black/white zebra rug to cover part of your floor.

If Cleveland falls to Orlando,what does that say about LeBron?

He is already a failure...look what happened in 2007, 2008, and 2009.....he couldnt even hit a clutch shot to keep the Spurs from sweeping him...Kobe wont ever go out like that guarantee it

ACP Chem, Acid/Base titration?

When a chemist titrates a standard solution of 508.5 mL of iodic acid (HIO3) with 0.179 M potium hydroxide (KOH) , she finds that it requires 183.5 mL of the base to reach the endpoint of the titration. What is the molarity of the acid solution ?

Will the next pope Peter the Roman (Petrus Rom) not live in the city of Rome due to volcanic eruption?

If I live in Rome, I would be more worried about Campi Flegrei, rather than Mt Vesuvius, more distant; but overall you forget Yellowstone supervolcano: a 9 Richter eartquake would be nothing, in comparison...

What materials have the greatest toughness, compressive strength, and tensile strength?

Don't think there's much more to add, save that I'm doing some research for a story and looking for a material that can have a sizable pocket of vacuum in the middle without imploding. Manufacturing difficulties are irrelevant.

Me and mybestfriend had a fight and...HELP!?

shes been my bestfriend for about 4 years, shes smoking, sleeping with everyone, drinking and she's only 14 =/ i love her she's lia sister! and i wanna write a song about her and all those things an how im mad at her, but idk how to start the song or anything... please if you can write a song for me? id do anything [[NO RUDE COMMENTS]

HELP! It's Urgent!!!!?

Since you answered mine, I'd certainly like to help you. I think that he's remembering that he had a crush on you last year. I really do. I think that there's a very good possibility that after talking again his crush started to "re-ignite". go with the flow, it seems luck is on your side

Tennis of volleyball?? which to continue?

Volleyball is cheaper than tennis by MILES. Since you're probably a great volleyball player (varsity is pretty impressive), you should probably go with that. If you're not good enough to do tournaments, well, it's probably a safe choice to do volleyball as well. I agree with whoever said you should just play tennis recreationally with a partner or pal. They're both great sports, and I love tennis, but you should go with the one you're better at. Plus if you're financially on the brink of disaster, volleyball is a great choice.

Do you know all Vincent Van Goghs relatives?

Great ones lol....I am a big fan of his, I have always tried to figure out how he came up with such great painting's, and if you look close, you cannot even see the numbers!

How should i thank everyone for wishing me Happy Birthday on Facebook?

Be prepare for your death time . As days are ping you are coming near to your death time. This celebrating birthday is not a celebration and leave it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Civics ignment please help, Fredrick vs morse?

How did the 9th circuit distinguish between the fredrick case and the Bethel vs frazier case where the supreme court continued the pecedent in the tinker vs. Des Moines by declaring that the speech that disrupts educational environment is not protected by the first amendment.

Do you hate these people too?

Defense attorney Joe Sibley said the music companies failed to prove allegations that Thomas-Ret gave away songs by Gloria Estefan, Sheryl Crow, Green Day, Journey and others.

What is the song you think EVERYONE should listen to?

For me it's deathbed-relient k. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

A recruiter said i have almost no chance of getting in to the marines?

its because of a medical condition scoliosis. he said that because my curves are 30 lumbar and 39 thoracic, they wouldnt be able to waive it. Then, an army recruiter told me he cant say that because he is not a doctor and only the doctor at MEPS would be able to decide that, the curves dont bother me at all. i didnt even know i had it until recently. causes me know pain or disables me at all. so do you think the doctor will give me a waiver? also, dont answer unless you have experience with a situation like this

What should I do for a fiddler crab?

I got a fiddler crab from wal-mart, and the tank said that it was fresh water. I read that they need salt water so what should I do.

How do you wear out shoes?

I have the same volleyball shoes as my friends and we wear them everyday for volleyball practice (mizuno) & everyone else's are worn out (but in a good way that looks cool) & mine won't do that & I've had them longer... and yes I realize this is a stupid question & y'all think I'm crazy haha

I just started a myspace group called Botanical Gypsy Tribe. It focuses on holistic health, the arts, gypsies.

You might want to know that Roma or Romani (as they prefer to be called - "Gypsy" is generally considered to be derogatory) people do not tend to be vegetarians.

What should I do about my neighbors?

I would call the landlord first and if nothing happened with them, I'd call the police. With the kid at you two, you can press charges on him for being a " Tom". When they start making noise, enough so that it disturbs yours or your husbands' rest, then you can press charges against them for being loud and disorderly and disturbing the peace. The next time you have family come by and they're yelling and cussing at them, call the police and report them for harment! I'm like you, I don't WANT to tell on someone and have them be without a home, BUT there's a limit to what I would take from people and that's definitely past my limit! I would also call the health dept. on them, if they're so unsanitary that they have roaches, then they could kicked out for that as well. But I'm sure the landlord wouldn't appreciate that, because infestations of any kind brings down property values. Those people sound like they need to be locked away in jail, not unleashed on the general public! And with you having a high risk pregnancy, being stressed out so much over this, that's really not good, but you know this. They're not only endangering you and your husband, they're endangering the life of your unborn child. But like I said, talk to the landlord and if that doesn't work, report them to the police!

States with common views/ideology/interests should secede?

Arizona is being sued by the government. Do you think states that oppose obama and this corrupt government should secede and form a confederacy? Could this even work?

How can i run html n jsp on tomcat?

i have installed tomcat 6... i've configured the port to 80 and am able to view the home page. but when i create html or jsp pages in webapps/ROOT, i'm not able to run them. any suggestions?

For my 1st chapter(which is not done!), is this good so far?

Finally! The last day of High School! At the end of school today we have to give our speeches. But the best part is this weekend when we actually get our diplomas! I walked down the halls of Greenland High School taking in all of the wonderful memories that are going to be left here. Like the time when my best friend Lauren and I accidentally let the frogs loose in Mr. Harrison's lab. Good times. Except for when we were the ones who had to chase them down the halls and make fools of ourselves all at the same time. I sighed and leaned against one of the lockers. It was fifth hour, which was my lunch, and I wasn't ready to face my friends just yet. They were the emotional type of people. And a little too much. I closed my eyes and just dreamed about what my life was going to be like now. I am practically an adult! I just can't believe this. When do I plan on getting a house? I don't want to be living with my parents for the rest of my life! I have a car so that's a good thing. But what about getting a job? I don't even have one! Okay Amy! Take a breather and calm down. This is all going to turn out fine. Don't live in the future. Enjoy what you have now, I thought. “There you are!” I turned around to see my boyfriend, Mike, standing there grinning at me. I returned his smile. I might have been smiling on the outside, but in the inside? Well, that is a way different story my friend! I took the hand that he was generously handing out to me. We walked in silence for a few moments. “So, this is it. No more making out in the hallways or getting yelled at for sneaking into your cl”, Mike said. Amy smiled her mysterious smile and said, “Well you know, we could make one last memory....” Mike grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist. He lifted her chin up and gently kissed her on the lips. Just as that moment we were about to pull away I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Mrs. Jones standing there with her arms folded across her chest. But there was something different about her from all the other times she caught us. She was actually smiling. Why would she be smiling? Every other time was a week in detention or a scorn yelling. “Hello Amy. Nice to see you Mike.” We both nodded in agreement. Was this some kind of joke? “So I see you two hadn't learned about making physical contact in the school hallways is still strictly forbidden?” Mike went over to her and put his arm around her shoulders. “Mrs. J! C'mon! It's the last day of school. We were just making one last memory. You can understand that, right?”, Mike said encouragingly. “Very well then”, she said as she shrugged his hand of her shoulder. She straightened her white blouse and said in her proudest voice, “I am convinced that you two will do very well in the years to come. You two will become very successful if you put your minds to it. And since today is the last day of your High School career, you will not be punished for the foolish behavior I had just witnessed. Dismissed.” She waved us to go so we headed toward the auditorium. We looked back and she was standing there grinning. Today had been the first time I have ever seen her smile. Maybe she's just glad she's getting rid of us. Mike and I laughed the whole way to the auditorium. We were supposed to give our final graduation ceremony speech. I, as usual, was prepared. But Mike on the other hand, was not. Before we entered the doors, I grabbed Mike's arm and said, “Don't you think you should have at least put some thought into this? I mean, this is our last speech to the school, to tell the other kids what to look forward to and what to watch out for! We are supposed to share with them our memories and how we are going to miss it here.” Mike snorted at this last part. “That's easy for you to say. All of your teachers liked you! And me? Well, I'm the complete opposite of liked”, Mike added. “Well maybe if you weren't such an *** all the time, your teachers would have written nicer comments in your yearbook than 'I hope you take it easy'.” Mike laughed and pulled her close to him. He whispered in here ear, “I have a ton of memories I could share.” Amy pulled away and said, “They better be school appropriate! We don't need Mrs. Jones changing her mind about giving us detention!” Mike laughed as we pulled open the auditorium doors. The first thing I heard was the sound of laughter. And of course the teachers yelling, “Just because it's the last day of your senior year, doesn't make it right for you to think you can do whatever the hell you want!” Oh wow. “Amy!”, I heard a bunch of girls yell. I tried to follow the sound of my name and finally spotted them. My friends. The ones who are probably going to come over here and tell me how they are going to miss me, cry, and tell me how they are going to miss me again. But the sad part is that we are probably going to hang out everyday. They can get very drama queen sometimes. The first one to hug me was, well, actually I'm not sure at the m

OCD question..Please help i think i may have it?

Hmm, it does sound a little like an OCD behavior. Make an appointment with a doctor to get tested for OCD.

If you live in a rural/small town area are you aware of the wild animals lurking near?

I live in the country now, I've heard it said that there is more violence in a city in an hour than in a jungle in a year and I tend to agree.

De facto relationships contributing to...?

Would you think that de facto relationships are affecting the statistics of divorce rate in US to appear lower than they should be? For instance there are not as many divorce rates today as there were say 20 years ago, but would that also have something to do with the fact that there are hardly that many people getting married proportionally to those getting married 20 years ago?

Can anyone tell me where i can find Sri Vishnu Sahasra nanum in tamil text?

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s of ault rifles?

What are advantages and disadvantages of fixed and foldable s? Why two versions of same rifles are manufactured, one with foldable and othere with fixed like Indian INSAS and Excalibur ault rifles. Wouldnt it be simpler to produce only one version (preferably foldable)?

Uzbekistan ethnicity?

Uzbek. Uzbeks speak a Turkic language and are descended from a mixture of Middle Eastern Caucasians and Central Asian Turks/Mongols. As such, their looks range from more Caucasian-looking to more Asian-looking, though most look rather intermediate and have a unique "Eurasian" look.

Facials don't work on me?

I went to a salon and got a facial, but the lady said that my blackheads were too hard to get out or something. Is this normal or is she not doing something right? This place is a legit place its on westwood blvd in LA. Thanks

Ive been in my new job 2 mnths but the emplyers are not very good, they keep messing up my hours and wages?

i am still waiting for payslips as the benefits office have asked for 5 to prove my hours as i do 16 hrs a week to claim working tax credit but so far i havent had a payslip and beneifts office can cut tax credits without proof. the company i work for has given most of staff wrong wages all underpaid and so my payslip if i ever get them will show ive done less hours than i have how can i get around this problem? they owe me money

Translation, french to english?

ill think of you each week or he thinks he see's you everywhere he looks. it rains for you. my heart is black not to sorrow. or something to that effect. he isnt saying it properly but thats pretty much what hes sayin. hes gonna think of you. its raining there or his love rains for you? and his heart is black but dont sorrow

What is the alternative to the Congress / UPA other than the BJP / NDA?

The second para of ur question is unfortunately worded. UPA or NDA both are elected by the people; the invectives are not necessary. No party is a sadhu. However, the way things ae today, we seem to be proceeding towards one group against another, like the two big individual parties- Democrats and Republicans- in the USA, instead of a splinter of parties. The lesser parties like communists and most of the regional parties will be eliminated in the next election as the people have realised that development is the utmost concern, as in Bihar recently.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Not sure if my tarantula is in pre molt or not(G. Rosea)?

I just got my first tarantula at Petco, what I noticed was that there was a web spun on the ground but the tarantula was in her hide. I thought she must've already molted. However I brought her home and she is really sluggish, she just stays in a corner. When I went to bed s/he was in a corner, I wake up and she's still in that same corner. I looked at her underbelly and it is pretty dark, I'm not quite sure if I should feed her or not. S/he's about 3-4 inches. Thanks

How long does it take to walk normally after ACL reconstruction?

I had my acl reconstruction three weeks ago, using my hamstring. If I try to walk without my crutches, I sort of walk with a limp/hobble. I am really worried that I am gonna permanently walk like this. also I have dark skin and my scar is awful, beside the scar looks bruised and wrinkled. Will my skin ever get near normal? The consultant who did the op told me they found some wear in my knee, so they had to drill little fractures in my knee for it to regrow has anyone ever heard of this. My knee feels as if it's gonna snap.

Why does eiichiro oda (one piece author n artist) have such a weird style?

like mainly his character not juts main but all some have some weird faces n body i mean it greta but kind of weird

Where can I find a victorian style silhouette necklace?

I was hoping for something under $20.00. I really love these necklaces, but I don't want it to be a choker. I would also like it if the silhouette part was pink. Thanks!

Can a person split there soul?

i feel like i have because i can feel when my friends and the one i love are in pain or just feeling anything and with normal people i can feel there emotions like anger, sadness, all kinds is it that im just empathetic or is it that i have some kind of gift

Where can I read Johnny the Homicidal Maniac online, for FREE?

I had asked this question, and got links to a google preview, but it only gave me issues 1-3. I was wondering if anyone has any links to chapters 4-last (7, I believe), still in comic form, for free.

How do the MLB and MLBPA arrive at the figures that are the minimum salaries?

I know it's in the CBA but I want to know how they arrive at the numbers that the min. salary is set at.

How are the barracks for navy corpsman at Fort Sam Houston?

I know they just opened two new barracks for HM's in honor of two fallen corpsmen, but is this where every HM going to A school will be housed? How are the rooms there? Two to a room or more? I will be there in late October for 6 months and can't wait! How is the base in general?

Why doesn't Fox just show Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors on Halloween?

For the past 10-12 years its been after Halloween. Why dont they just run it as a special during the week so they can actually show it on Halloween again?

Lizabram......the phonetic surname as far as I know comes from?

my russian ancestors who emmigrated to this country (U.K.) late in the nineteenth centuary , I'm anctious to find out the meaning of that name, can anyone help?

Isn't it odd how whenever I call in an employee on Sunday morning, they suddenly become devout...?

I don't have to use it, I made it very clear to employer I couldn't work on Sundays, period. He accepted that and we're good. If you have a problem with your employees attending Church don't hire a believer, go with those that follow, worship and praise Satan, their available to wreak havoc in your life and your business 24/7.

What do you think pantheism is?

I think your description fits pantheism pretty well. I wouldn't call it atheistic. But I would recommend taking a look into panentheism which is the view that God is indeed a unique entity, but that he also "inters" all of nature as the animating source of all things. So His influence (presence) is both within and beyond nature.

World Wrestling Extreme Entertainment restults?

I got most of the results correct, except for the triple threat match between Orton, Angle, and Swagger.

Seniors: Do you remember the following:?

Yes, I do! I also remember the 3 color film we put over the screen (blue, red, & green; for extra fun, turn it upside down) so we could have "color" tv, soda coolers-the bottles sat in chilled water,and you'd have to wipe off the bottle on your sleeve, or have it drip all over your front, my favorite was Pal orangeade. There was a chocolate candy called Ice Cubes-I don't know why that candy tasted cold, even on a hot day, comic books were 10 cents, Mad Magazine was 25 cents. Remember the Phantom?" the ghost who walks"? how about Terry and the Pirates? I still love Betty Boop, even though she was a little before my time, and I remember playing with lincoln logs. Couldn't miss American Bandstand. Wish I still had my original Mickey Mouse ears and Davy Crockett coonskin cap, and can't forget Soupy Sales and his gang- and who could forget the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans show and Andy's Gang? I've got a gang, You've got a gang, Everybody here's got a gang, But there's only one real gang for me-Good old Andy's gang!

Where are Elena's parents in Vampire Diaries BOOK?

A car accident, Elena was only little and she mentions that she often felt guilty as she pointed to something outside of the car, and thats why they crashed. She could never remember what it was that she was pointing to.

Can someone help me find a date?

I am 36 and I know there are not that many older people on this site but it is a clean one and maybe someone will see my question and respond. I live in california, san bernardino county, to be more specific. anyone from 28-40 thank you.

WTF happened to my dishwasher? aaarrrggh?

I was unloading the dishwashing machine, had both shelves pulled out, and the entire unit fell out! How the eff did that happen?! It didn't fall to the floor, thank goodness, but it almost did. I managed to push it back into its cubby hole. But can I use it now? Or does it have to be bolted in? I've been in this place for about 7 years and have used the machine without problems all that time. The only cause I can think of is that the maintenance man came in to replace the dish disposal and possibly had to move the dishwasher to do so.

Do you think i should keep my job?

im an electrician im 26 tg mtf and i dont know if i should get a more girly job i dont know what i want to do what do you think

I need help with the name of a movie?

there is a movie I'm thinking of but I don't know the name of it...its an older movie...the only things I remember are two kids parents go missing they go to a town infested with human monster hybrids...the sheriff had a tentacle like arm...and yes it's a horror movie.

What is wrong with people who regularly chomp their gum and pop bubbles?

It drives me absolutely crazy and it seems that there is a gum chomper at every job I have ever worked. The new gum chomper in my office is the worst ever! Is this some kind of psychological disorder? How do they not know they are being rude?

Good middle name for the name Juliana? *10 points best answer*?

Well, I plan on naming my first daughter Claire Julianna and when I ask about the name people always say they like it reversed, so Juliana Claire. I really love both names.

Does my job seekers allowance get back dated?

yes hun you will get it back dated but they pay 2 weeks in behind hun. also i think they keep the 1st 3 days so you will be paid from the 13th i believe. hope this helps you out hun

What makes a good BBQ?

my idea of a good bbq would be good seating ideally some giant bean bags and of course other seating too, a central focus like a fire in the middle of a circle giving it a cowboy round the campfire sort of vibe and also people playing real music - like tell your friends to bring their own instruments but guitar has to be essential, start your party about 5pm then every ones ready to eat and chill, have a punch but also an alcohol free alternative, have some nice lanterns hung around for when it gets dark

I have a old Lennox Furnace from 1962?

hi, I got a lennox gf3-110 from 1962. The input BTU is 110,000 and the ouput listed is 88,000 BTU. If you use the efficency formula INPUT BTU x EFFICENCY = OUTPUT BTU, You will find that this would be a 80% efficient furnace. Now I know that a furnace from 1962 should be about 40% efficient, did Lennox mis-represent the Output BTU somehow?? According to HVAC Calculator my house should have a furnace with about 48,000 BTU. If I replace 88,000 BTU with 48,000 BTU it would make my furnace 48% efficient, which would be more where I would expect it to be. I guess my question is, did they change the way output BTU's were calculated at some point in the past or am I missing something here??

If humans evolved from apes...?

I have no idea, but science has shown that there are actual fossils of different types of human/ape things. Possibly, due to natural selection we were able to survive something that they couldn't? I have no idea. And I think we are not all necessarily evolving differently, but adapting to our environments. For example, white people lost the black skin because they moved higher and farther from the sun. We have no use for some organs in our bodies now, I think it is more of an adaptation.

Help asap please.?

I am not convinced that you have given it a try to tackle these on your own. I suspect that you want somebody to do them for you. This is no way to learn your work. Please don't do this to yourself. Make sure you want help once you have tried by all means necessary and have failed. Otherwise you are defeating the very purpose of being given this work to do.

Whats this boy wantt?

So this guy and i like each other. we txt A LOT. we flirt A LOT. lol he calls me babe and love and isnt shy about him communicating that he likes me. he's out of town for spring break and says he misses me and wants to see me and tells me he cant wait to hang out when he gets back. but heres the catch, he hurt me before. a LONG time ago. he seems mature and totally different though.. So im kinda lukewarm. one foot in one foot out. :p whats he want? my body?:/ or really me?

Buying a new ipod?

its better if you buy it at apple. You should just get the 30 gb ipod. Leave the 80gb to the people that have alot music photos and videos. You only have 700 songs so the 30gb is the best one for you

What Next For Arsenal?

well yesterday was arsenal chance to win the title and if they lose or draw there out of it manchester united only have one big clash and if they win that bye bye chelsea

Did you hear about the "Flight of the Chickenhawk" being shown at a local RNC fundraiser?

It was like something out of animal house-the Head Chairperson was in the hallway engrossed in his blackberry.....but most watched like deer caught in headlights...when a couple of them got up and demanded that it was turned off....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Roomie is having trouble readapting to processed/American food after a trip to Cambodia. Any tips?

She gets nauseated/throws up every time she eats American food now, she's also constipated though. I don't want to give her metamucil or anything for her constipation if she's just going to throw it back up. Anyone have any tips to reacquaint her with American food

" The "Future" of Malaysia Is In Your Hand , Hold It Gently"?

oh my, u are really disgusting man, hahaha, but u r funny and creative too, i like that if you can make it as a Rap song what u think.

Carly Fiorina calls for imprisoning employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants, does she mean Meg Whitman?

Wow! The timing of all of this is very coincidental. Jerry Brown sure did luck out! What a lucky dog he is.

What do you think of this sentences?

um...why couldnt they just say life sentence or whatever......for everything he did...duh. dumb people..i swear..

My 5 month old baby screaming?

When my daughters 5m. old did the same thing, we thought it was an ear infection,took him into the doc., he was fine, low and behold, a week later, we saw his first tooth!!!! I would take him from mommy and gently hum and walk him alot. It seemed to help . If you can find another person to aid you,it may be a good distraction because baby may relate the frustration to you.set them in their bouncer or swing and put on cartoons or a baby video,kids dont always have a scedule,so try a bath may need to drink some coffee if you do,but it too will p, i promise you.

Trick Question No.2, Please Answer?

the clerk didn't lose anything, she was exchanging money for the 50 by way of change but the embarrased store owner, gave it back to the clerk so she lost nothing...the store owner lost 80 dollars...

Help!!!! mold on leather boots?

ok so i stored my leather/rawhide cowboy boots and now one boot is coverd in mold!!how do i get this off? someone mentiond bleach but wouldnt that take away the color??? i need help !!

Can i fill for Bankruptcy for a hospitable bill?

Anyone can file for bankruptcy. Whether it's approved or not is up to the courts. Just remember if it's approved, it will be on all 3 credit reports for 10 years.

Do I need to put supports in behind a U-cordon apple or pear tree?

I want to use them to form a divider in the garden, its not an exposed area but they will be standing in an open space (make sense?). I don't want to detract from their beautiful shape and as they are expensive I want to get it right!!!!

How far is (why must it be 20 letters!!)?

one of my best friends moved to canberra, australia. he told me he is going to come visit me here in Kennewick wa. i want to know how far the countries are. he wont tell me cause he sais ill freak out. i want the exact miles.

What should I wear w/ this top?

Cute shirt, I would defiantly go silver with it, gold seems a little cly. Any silver jewelry will do. Some dark denim skinny jeans (make sure not to wear black ones with it). Hmm..and some cute flats for shoes? I would suggest black flats how ever. If it's a warmer day some Capri's would look really nice, a nice dark denim, and maybe those Capri's that are rolled up at the ends.

Is this healthy to eat in one day?

I have eaten a bowl of Special K, Heinz tomato soup, and orange and a portion of egg fried rice. I'm 5 ft 5, size 8 and 9 stone, is this healthy too?

What is the name of the song in gandalf's arrival?

I've listened to those albums a billion times, and I can tell you that it's just a segment of Concerning Hobbits. They use segments from this piece throughout Gandalf's stay and Bilbo's birthday.

Help?? How to get rid of acne quick?

Along with external care to ur skin, you need to take nutritious food to get rid of acne. Wash ur hair twice a week. Get rid of dandruff. Eat 2 almonds everyday. Avoid junk food and deep fried oily food. Eat lots of veggies and fruits. Wash ur face whenever u come home. Can use acne aid soap for ur face if its available.

Explain how individuals understood same- uality – for women in nineteenth century – for men in the late?

explain how individuals understood same- uality – for women in nineteenth century – for men in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Do the private reflections and public doentation of women or men who had intimate and/or ual relations with people of the same gender correspond to what historians have said about same intimacy or diverge from those.

Do i hv. a problem wid my graphics card?

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When Germans took Strength through Joy vacations during the Third Reich, did they have to pay for them?

I know that the Third Reich had a program called Strength through Joy, which provided holidays (both domestic and international), concerts, plays, and other events to entertain the German people. However, I was wondering if the vacations were free to the people who took them or if they just got discounts that enabled them to go. Does anyone here know?

I'm looking for some twists in the novel i'm writing? (is a bit too boring right now)?

if people gave you plot twists, then you really wouldn't be the one writing it. My suggestion would be to have the girl commit suicide, despite the boys efforts.

Best software for picture layouts?

Our PTA puts together a yearbook for the kids but uses Word to put pictures in a page layout form AND ITS TERRIBLE!! What picture software woul let us create pages that look like the yearbook format?

Who do professional tennis players hit with?

specifically rafael nadal, roger federer, and novak djokavic who could they hit with for practice thats good enough to return the ball when they're actually trying? I can't think of anyone they could hit with besides eachother

Skin structures question?

why is it advantageous to terrestrial vertebrates to have a nonliving outer layer of epidermis in contact w/ the environment?

What is the difference between adult medium and adult large ?

I am 5'9 and skinny, Not looking for for a baggie look more like a loose look I usally wear medium ..

Wet inner walls,looks like condensation?

I live in the top flat of a 100 year old porrit house,the walls are over a metre thick.The walls on the gable end of the property are wet through inside the flat.A builder has told me they need ventilitation,is this correct?but there are vents inside and they've made no difference.Can any builders out there please help.

What should I expect when trading in my car that is worth more than the car I'm buying?

I am trading in my current car to buy a 5 speed because I hate driving an automatic. The car I currently own is marginally more expensive than what I am wanting to buy so I am wondering if a dealer will try and screw me out of a couple thousand dollars (suggested retail/trade of my car is $4000 more than the purchase price of the car I am wanting.) What normally happens in these situations?

Ear pain, can't hear out of right ear?

I can't hear at all out of my right ear and it actually hurts a little bit. All I can ear is this sort of muted buzzing sound, but when I move my jaw up and down I can actually hear some sort of squeaking coming from inside it. How do I unplug my ear??? I've tried equalizing but it isn't helping, what do I do???

Anyone knows where to buy...?

I don't think you will be able to find yukata in stores. Try looking for "mananahe" or a dressmaker to make one for you, if you really need!

I want to pull a prank on my boyfriend for April fools day..what should I do?

tape caution tape across his garage door and put some doents on his front window so it looks like the bank took over his house :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do you think this girl has a mental disorder?

It sounds like she is just extremely socially awkward, however I know a girl in my school who is sort of the same way, and I am pretty sure she has Aspergurs (I can't spell it, but you know what I mean). I worked with a special needs child in a theutic horseback riding program who had it, and the girl at my school showed very similar characteristics. Just ignore her and don't listen to what she says. She will eventually learn that she needs to act politely and considerately to people if she wants to make and keep friends. Good luck to you!

What are the top 5 things you do that make you a good parent?

I don't understand how "trying" to feed your child a balanced meal makes you a good parent. It's what everyone is supposed to do. Also not sure how them being caring and loveable makes you a good parent either.

Going to Universal Studios & IslandofAdventure in a week. I need help with a spending budget & coaster advice?

Im going for 3 days how much money should i bring? range would be nice and which roller coaster is the most intence and scariest at both parks. I like Gwazi at Busch. I dont really like ones that goes upside down too much, problem is that im going there on a field trip and we r doing a "Behind the Scenes of the Hulk Roller Coaster." by a guide. IM SO SCARED! What do all the roller coasters do at both parks(state answer w/ name of coaster) and which ones would you suggest for a girl who's kinda affraid of them. Lastley is the "Return of the mummy ride" scary. I know its a roller coaster and once i was in line and i made myself sick almost barfing because i got really scared it. Never rode it. Is it scary and what does it to. For all rides i need a clear description. thanks! You have no clue how much im grateful for your answers!

Write a short story using the words...?

I'm an English teacher who doesn't believe in doing homework for students, but I will tell you that if you would imagine a crowd around a coffin being lowered in a cemetery, you could use several of these works. Especially if you were to use the adjectives as examples of the deceased, according to some of the mourners.

Mother in Law problem...Please help?

My husband and his mom are very close. She has spoiled him and coddles him at age 38. He calls her to discuss things that I feel he should talk w/ me. She calls him when she has a question that I can answer just as well. She is the sweetest person and would do anything for anyone, but I have discussed this w/ my husband and it keeps going. Should I take a chance on messing up a good relationship between her and I and talk to her personally?

Christians, why do some of you want God on the money, and Christian prayer in schools?

When I read the Bible, it tells me that God made it clear that he wanted no empty gestures and vain pieties, but righteousness and justice. Which are mumbled prayers igned by the state, and money named "God," more likely to be?

What is going on with some people??

Yeah. Someone reported me yesterday for saying "Shouldn't you be in school?" The kid said he was like 14 or 15. I think the answer disappears if ONE person reports it. It's so stupid.

I wanna date guy who has tourette syndrome?

does anyone know any dating or networking site for peoples with tourettes syndrome???? coz i just find out peoples with this disorder is uniquely y...speciallyy the one who like to repeat the words and mention swearing words...its such turning on......LOL.....

Is it OK to feed my cats in the bathroom?

I feed both of my cats the frankenprey model diet which is a raw meat basically. When I give them the meat in my room they like to toss it around before eating it which is unsanitary. The only hardwood floors are my kitchen and bathrooms. The kitchen is also a problem because all they do is get their mouse or whatever meat they are eating and drag it into the living room. So I just took them into the bathroom and shut the door. Now, I do bleach my floors after every meal (they eat two times a day). What do you think?

I Love You Guys!!?

I really do! I love everyone... white, black, hispanic, asian, italian... EVERYONE! i feel that when we meet in heaven we will all be the unitied... there's so much drama holding us back from being who we really are... and thats BROTHERS & SISTERS... Good night or morning babies... MWAH!!

Please edit my paragraph that is in French! Native French speakers only!?

Monique likes decorated simple plan, so I thought of a dark plan to my plan. I chose the blue wallpaper and three rugs. The large hallway carpet is blue, medium red carpet, and the small rug is white. It's colors are relaxing and calm after a long day. I also make a great toilet. In the large bathroom and jacuzzi is next to the shower. I chose a desk for studying its duty. On the desk is the computer in front of the chair. I put a pool table behind the sofa. The sofa is in front of television and the sofa and television is the coffee table. I placed the black bed next to the big toilet and is between the aquarium and the bedside table. Finally, I put the fridge near the door and the door is convenient.

Why is the school prayer issue SO misunderstood?

Look, people can pray ALL they want to in school BECAUSE of the religious freedom guaranteed by the principle of separation of church and state which disallows any REPRESENTATIVE of the school or state (acting in that capacity) to overtly or subtly endorse a particular practice. Why do I get all these persecution emails that say we can't pray in school, then? And why are these facts met with opposition -- they're simple facts! And it happens on both side -- when the principle of separation of church and state was misunderstood and caused a high school to prevent christian students from spreading a religious message (Machusetts, 2003), the ACLU rightfully jumped in and defended the students' rights. Where does the problem lie in not understanding the fact that the law ensures religious freedom by disallowing endorsement by a representative?

Who do you think is better in naruto? top 10. start with 1 being your best. :)?

10)Neji, 9)Kiba, 8)Shino,7) Gaara 6) Zabuza, 5)Haku, 4)Rock Lee, 3)Naruto, 2) Kakashi, and 1) Hinata. <3 Haha.

My friend may not trust me anymore! help!!?

ok all i did was tell her and my 2 other closest friends(theyre her friends too) that i didnt think her and her boyfriend would last much longer or it shouldnt because he tells her who she can and cant talk to! i am worried about her! she was closest friend and wedensday she was mad at he and wouldnt say a word to me! she says she isnt mad at me anymore but i dont believe her because i dont have their lunch period and somehow my name came up and she said i am tired of krista talking about how we arent going to last! i know its not any of my business but at the time i was worried! im not anymore and my other friend told her i told 20 people and i didnt! im moving from here in 3 months and i cant wait! im just going to start being unsocial and im gonna stop talkimg to them and everyone else! i thought they were my true friends

How can i stop the 2 strings slipping?

i own a schecter c-1 fr and i this week restrung it so i am going through the usual spring and string tension stuff so it stays in tune but as i play the B and E strings keep slipping out of tune but the rest are fine. i don't want to tighten or loosen the springs because i dont want the others to go out of tune so what can i do?

What will happen if i lie about the incident?

Why would you lie for him? You need to keep your stories straight so that when it happens again the police and the courts will believe you. You asked for help. It was the right thing to do. Don't let up now.

Why Do People Like The Band Dream Theater?

I don't know. I just like them. I have gotten into them and I like them very much. They have a lot of talent and technical ability.

Question about the industrial revolution?

why was england the first country to experience the industrial revolution? identify the resources and key inventions that exemplified the english industrial revolution. what major changes, good and bad, did industrizialization bring to europe?

How to get dog poo and wee stains from concrete?

try vinager. and also if u have them in an area u only want them in try to lay down some puppy pads so they can use the bathroom on that and not on anything else. try to put in a doggy door.

When was Eminem's mainstream success?

My older brother says Eminem went famous when Marshall Mathers LP came out, and that made the Slim Shady LP go big. And D12's Devil's Night also made him go big, and along with The Eminem Show. He told me after that he wasn't so big after that. His main success was from 2000-2002. He told me in high school kids would wear baggy clothes with bandanna's and hats too be like him, and dye their hair blonde just like him. Is this true?


Ok, we all know that downloading songs from limewire is illegal, because your not payin for them, but what if you use the paid version of limewire? Like not the free one, like if you pay for it is it still illegal to download songs from it? And also, what are the chances of getting caught?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How much trouble do you think this country is in?

Mabey it's just me, but things seems to be happening really fast since obama was elected. Since were all grownups here, is anyone just a little concerned with the direction were going?

Tennis court in Madras Gymkhana club?

Is there a tennis court in Madras Gymkhana club in Guindy? If so, is it possible to play a session of match with my friend for say 2 hrs... And what is the charge? Or do we need to be a member to play? Thanks in advance..

History question. need answers fast!! (paleo- and neolithic history)?

I think it is a combination of both B and C...I would lean more toward C...many societies drove themselves out of existence so to speak...Easter Island...many Inca and Mayan cultures consumed so much they totally depleted the land of all resources around them. And died out.

Should i try acid if i like other hallucinagens?

ive tripped on shrooms and loved em ive tripped on DXM and loved it i tried X a few times wasnt bad but wasnt the greatest thing ever but since i have never really had a bad trip should i go ahead and try it ONLY SERIOUS NON BIAS ANSWERS SO I CAN DETERMIN WHETHER TO DO IT OR NOT

Who had a cool Halloween?

Mine was pretty fun! I went with my friends to see Paranormal and then went to get candy. haha it was strange cause we're all like 15/16 years old so it was fun. HBU??!

Is it rude for a clerk to lay down his cell phone to ist a customer instead of hanging up?

I ask this because I had an issue to discuss with him and he was on his cell phone when I walked in and put the cell phone down to talk to me. As such, I felt like there were three people involved in the conversation, and it was unnerving. Do you feel he should have hung up? Do you feel his behavior was rude.

I tore my acl,mcl and lcl one month ago and the orthopedist said my leg is still too stiff to do surgery?

Ive been going to physical therapy for a week now but it feels like im not making any progress..Every time i try and force it to bend the inside of my knee hurts extremely bad and will barely bend. Is it normal to be really stiff after injuring it a month ago?

My school loans are stressing me out...?

What are you going to consolidate? 80,000 at 6.8% is not that bad of a deal, the payment terms are generally 10years. Geez, you should really look or should have looked into grants or scholarships, grad school is going to push you way over the 100k mark. You have a deferment of 6 months until repayment begins on student loans also.

What is the best PvE server for World oF Warcraft?

i am switching servers from arthor and need any good ideas on where to go for PvE as seeing that arathor is dying and only geting new blood as the old and expereinced are leaving

Basketball help?

i need footworks to improve my scoring in basketball. to make my foot work faster also i need some nice moves to drive to the basket.

Does anyone know all the comics that Icarus (Joshua Guthrie) was in ???

Just wondering what comics titlewise and numberwise that Jay was in. He's my favorite x-men character and just want to read all i can about him. So if everyone knows which comics he was in, and what issue number that would be great !! Or if you know a website that tells you that be ace too !! But please dont sat wikipedia or google as i have looked and both times got nothing !!!

What is the fine for a forgery signature?

Probably no problem at all. The brother with the money owes the money for the mortgage and owns the house. That is not a forgery. It might be fraud on the lender if the one who signed does not intend to live in the house, but that is a different question.

Casey Abrams Voted Off American Idol tonight, why did he look like he didnt care?

Casey is where it's at!!!! Too bad America (ahem teenagers/ ten year olds) doesn't appreciate good music

Whatever Happened To Essa Rios On WWE?

After his split with Lita by her side they didnt have much for him to do..because he didnt know english and couldnt make promos so he had a few HEat matches and he was fired..I think hes now working on Lucha Libre Fed in Mexico I dont know if its in AAA tho.


your miss firing! Its not be the distr! Check to make sure you have the right spark plug cables to the correct plugs. If you just guessed or made a mistake on the wires This will cause the rough idle as well as the mis fireing. Put the wires in correct order and it will be running smooth. Trust me, i did the same thing on my MR2.

My turtle has disappeared off the face of the earth. ?

I left my box turtle on my patio with the door to inside cracked while I went to cl for two hours this evening. I let the turtle wander my apartment regularly. When I got home he was gone. I tore apart my entire, very small apartment looking. I live on the third floor so a dog or cat couldn't have gotten him. He's much too large to be carried by a possum or raccoon and it was too early for one of them to be out anyway. There is no possible way he could have fallen off the patio. It has 3 foot tall solid stucco walls with nothing close to them to climb on. No one has keys to my apartment except the maintenance and I have no idea why they would steal a turtle. I have no idea what POSSIBLY could have happened to him. Please someone have a good idea! I have been looking for three hours.

Cloudiness in dog eyes treatable?

It depends on the cause of the cloudiness. You really need to take your dog to a Veterinary Ophthalmologists to find out exactly what the problem is. You can find one in your area by check a href="" rel="nofollow"

Does Anybody Know This models Name? ?

Trinity, Godhead, and Humanity: which are true?

from man who wants to screw with the bible. that is why I encourage all to read the word for themself and let God direct the teacher to them. Not to trust in everything people say. cause if the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit was all three, then Jesus would have never said, I must leave in order for the helper (comforter) to come. and how is it that Jesus doesn't know when the final hour is?

How big is a 18G for lip piercing?

Ohkay now I am 12 turninq 13 nxt month and around this month i want to qet my lower lip pierced and my friend said i should qet a 18G because its smaller easy to maintain and not that hurtful than 14G well i want to know how biq is a 18G is it biq as a reqular needle ??

Priceless Observations / Statements:?

American tourists boycotting Scotland is like Wayne Rooney boycotting the Large Hadron Collider. - Frankie Boyle.

How to get athletic quick?

this sounds like a stupid question but I really want to be good at sports, I want to make sport teams. Right now I would say that im average at sports and running and Im in good shape. Please help, I wna tot be really really good at sports and running.

Do stretch and sweeps work?

i am going to be taken in to hospital when i am 37 weeks preg because this is baby number 6 i am at a high level of bleedin and my last two labour have been 15 mins long so they have said that i will have a ss every couple of days till i go into labour

How to get rid of kinda like pimples FAST!?

helloo well i started using this cream actually i used it once then i woke up and all around my lips and chin are little pimples and like red blotchy skin there no pimples i can pop cause there kinda small are there any things i can use at home because i cant get to a drugstore right now oh ps can it works fast pleasee! Thankks = )

Whats the song in the boondocks episode home alone?

Okay this is the 3rd time ive asked this, the that answered this the first time, who give a bs answer ok i just want real answers. So with that in mind, its in two scenes that i know of. When riley tries to escape the house by bed sheet ladder, once huey lights it on fire the song starts playing. Also when riley is about to leave the house and huey kicks him.

Should I tell my mom I'm not a virgin?

Ones ual encounters are personal, no matter at what age, unless you've been d or aulted. She knows you're a normal human being who's going to, don't push it. For example...does she call her parent and tell them whenever she is going to have way...your business is your business. Letting her know your orientation is great and was a courageous thing to do. The only thing I would tell her is if you think you may have picked up , or an STD...or HIV/Aids...

Do you all think that this is a grim reality? If so, do you believe it will change?

You are totally right. Humans united becomes infinite potential, humans divided becomes self destruction.

Where can I learn Pi Qua Quan or Piguaquan in michigan?

I'm looking to study the style of Chinese Kung Fu martial arts known as Pi Qua Quan or Piguaquan, I really don't care much where it is as long as its in the lower part of michigan. Any help would be great.

Hi there, I am looking for an old friend. Her name is Judith Wall, she used to live in Whetstone, london.Gaby?

Why don't you try friends reunited or genes reunited. To look on there is free but to email someone you have to pay a small joining fee. It's really good, i found loads of my family that i'd been seperated from for ages on there. On the friends reunited you type your school in and your cl year then all the names come up that have joined so maybe if you don't see her you'll see some of your other school mates who might know where she is. Good luck xx

Monday, August 8, 2011

Do you have dignity and taste, or did you see Grownups?

Ha ha, I also don't plan on seeing that movie. But I don't believe I have much in the areas of dignity and taste. :(

Cellphone question?...?

hi im 12 and i just got a new boost mobile phone the sanyo incognito and i set up my email on the phone but now i no longer want or need it on my phone so i was just wondering how do you cancel it on the phone thanks.

Is there any news on OVA's being created for Inuyasha?

I know that the anime is most likely over and that the manga is finished and the newest thing that had anything to do with Inuyasha was the OVA Black Tessaiga. Is there any news at all of it being released to North America or at least the general public in Japan? Does anyone think there is a chance of them finishing off the series in OVA's? I sure hope that is the case. Anybody have any official quotes regarding the issue from VIZ would be really nice. Ty. ^^

Totally Lost and Confused!!! Please share with me your opinion...?

Lately I've been out of a relationship which i suddenly realize I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I've tried my very best to reconcile the damages done but the existence of a third party was a hindrance in my every move. I lost my job, stayed away from friends and family simply because i wanted to have more time should the gateway open for another chance but again the existence of a third part who far off well to do with money killed my every moves. I've turned to alcohol, late night hang outs simply to forget everything but i still can't till today and its tormenting me. I am trying to move on but it seems like i have no more strength in me to survive for memories kept haunting me. Focussing on daily life is a difficult routine. I have nothing now, friends are keeping their distance and family, yes they could see that i am trying to rebuild my life. I want to move on so badly. I want a new life so badly and forget every pain and heal every wound but i still keep failing.

i am married to a christian Eygptian man, and at first things were great, we got married and its all differen?

anyway, i think he only married me for his citizenship at first, but i think he fell in love with me, he works out of town and has a place to stay when he is not home, but he didnt do this until he got his conditons of residency removed, he just left after that, I didnt know what the paper was until I called about it, and it gives him 10 yrs, but not his citizenship, not yet he still needs me, the problem is I love him so much, he is the first man I ever really loved, and I dont understand how he could hurt me like that, I always told him I would be there and help him no matter what but to never lie to me about it, because my heart couldnt take that, not matter what, I want him in my life, and he is a good provider and I wouldnt take his citizenship away from him, he has worked to hard for it, and I know he fell in love with me at some point, but I think he keeps it under control, he is not a romantic man, and we fought alot before he moved, but now that he moved when we do see each other, we dont fight, and we have always had great , he has made me feel things i never thought I could feel, but he also has a bad anger problem, and no matter what happens its my fault and sometimes he calls me the worst names I have ever heard, no one has ever talked to me the way he does. and he never apologizes, the closest he will get is you made me made. But then everything will be ok, for a litte we dont talk but we have allot, and its so good, I think about him all the time, and Im so afraid of getting hurt, and losing him, I just need some advice from a real christian egyptian man and how you act when you are really in love with a woman, I mean do you call her worthless pieace of ****, or b---ch, wh--e, I destroyed his life, then he wiill say he said it out of anferk he calls me selfish, and our whole marriage is based on him and his life, and I have done everything for him, he took over the bills and when we met my credit score was 750 and I had a 2005 ford focus it just got reposed, but all his credit cards are paid and my credit score is 586 now, and they took my car over one 300 dollar pymt he promised to pay, I mean after he got that last paper he just left, and I had to move in w/ my mom for 3 months, and I just recently found a nice home for my daughter and my mother helped me get this place and she does not want me let him know where I live but I miss him and I feel like gods telling me know but my heart is telling me yes let him come and see his new home, but I told him that I wasnt going to let him make fl out of me, I sent him some of these comments about amican woman who marry egyptian men, and if he wants to come his is going to be honest with me or or I will not finish what he started, all I want is the truth, the truth to me is worth more then anything right now, and I can move on with the truth, but not ever really knowing, you just dont do that to any human,, especeially when I feel so deeply in love with him. its not fair for me, I need some help from anone who may have had this happen or is going thru it, mostley from and egyptian man who knows what true love is and how he would really act, please please help me

Daily Fatigue, Weakness, and now tremors?

Okay before I go into detail, I have big big big anxiety problems, Im on zoloft and inderal to control my anxiety and heart palpitations. Also I tend to be a big hypochondriac, that is i think i have something that i plainly do not have. But anyway here I go, I have for the past couple of weeks been suffering from weakness and fatigue even after getting adequate amounts of sleep like 12 hours at a time. Also I can't lift as much as I used to, and Im a big guy with big muscles. A couple days ago I worked out and afterwards was really really sore and in my right arm I kept feeling tremors. I panicked and looked it up online and saw something called Multiple Sclerosis which describes Fatigue, weakness, and tremors as many of the symptoms that it has. After seeing that I had a panic attack took some xanax and woke up 12 hours later and like i said i feel fatigued again. I am scared shitless yet i have no family history of MS, I have a checkup with my doctor on my anxiety in a couple days. But before then, I want your opinion, Do you think Im freaking out, or that its possible I have MS???!

My baby girl asks?

why does my moms birds dance all the time and act weird all of the time. how do get i get them to stop? "they only do that when Im in the room" this is mom & my birdies love me...

3 month old never naps and gets cranky everyday!!?

My daughter is 15 weeks and is like that too. Lucky for me she doesn't get too cranky. Try swaddling his arms. It works well for her, she'll sleep about a 4-5 hour stretch at night before she starts waking up to feed constantly. I also started tucking her in by covering her legs then tucking the ends of the blanket under the sides of the mattress. I also give her a binky and turn a fan on high (not aimed at her). She's sleeping pretty well on her own right now.

What kind of yugioh cards sell for the most money?

i have a bunch of them and i wanna sell them to a trading card store. are the holographic ones worth more than the normal ones? and what about the ones that have shiny names. and some have shiny names and a holographic picture

Tv show sons of anarchy????

to be clear. the second season started. and a new episode is every wednesday at 10. and the season premeire was last week and in that episode jax told his gf about him and opi killing one of the mayans? or did i miss the new episode?

Is there something wrong with me?

I'm 22 going to be 23 on the 29th. I never really had a boyfriend before, all of my friends have boyfriends and they make fun of me for being single. They all lost their virginity at 14 and 15 and I still have mine. Most of the time I can't go out with them because it's always couples and i'm single. I'm a really nice girl not stuck up or snooty at all I get along well with anyone. I see all these couples and people younger than me in relationships and wonder will I ever get my turn. I wish guys would give me a chance, is there something wrong with me?

Nura rise of the yokai clan english dub channel?

I know that Nura Rise of the Yokai clan is by viz media and I know via wikipedia that it is airing in America. I cant figure out what channel and day it airs here. Can someone tell me.

Could someone please help I have some sort of piece of skin connecting the tip of my glans to my foreskin!!?

I have done research and stuff but everyone says it's the frenulum, but when I research I findpictures of it being under the glans, could someone please give me information and links to a picture coz all the ones I have seen are not the same to mine! Thanks

Why is my font in Italics in Firefox?

Everything in Firefox is in Italics except for topic titles. I tried changing it in the options bar, but nothing works. I even tried uninstalling Firefox, but when I install it again, all my bookmarks and settings are still there. What am I supposed to do?